Construction Materials

Structure Materials

Analysis of the 2005-2010 Market of Prefabricated Timber Construction

Period: 2005-2010
Region: Russia
"...The most popular type of residential timber construction is the construction of pre-fabricated timber houses. During the period under view, their share was gradually increasing. In 2005, pre-fabricated houses constituted ca 80.4% in the total volume of residential timber construction, while by 2010 their share reached 82.6%. Prior to 2010, bricks were the most popular type of wall materials. In 2005, their share in the total volume of output constituted 76%, while by 2010 their share dropped to 38%, and the share of building blocks made of aerated concrete increased from 15% to 50% during the same period. It should be pointed out however that the walling market was badly hit by the economic crisis. In 2010, the total volume of the walling output dropped to the lowest level in the entire period under review. As compared to 2008, when the output of walling reached maximum figures, the 2010 output decreased by 53.1%..."


1. Overview of the Construction Market of the Russian Federation
     1.1.Main 2010 indicators of the construction sector
     1.2.Residential construction
     1.3. Nonresidential construction      
     1.4.Situation in the mortgage market and the role of Agencies for Housing Mortgage Lending (AHML)
     1.5.State support of the construction sector in 2010
     1.6.2010 summary and prospects for 2011
2. Prefabricated Timber Houses

    2.1.Definition of commodity group     
    2.2.Volume of output
    2.3.Seasonal nature of production
    2.4.Geographical structure of production
    2.5.Price movement
    2.6.Import of prefabricated timber houses into the Russian Federation

          2.6.1.Main characteristics
          2.6.2.Geographical structure of deliveries

     2.7.Export of prefabricated timber houses from thee Russian Federation

          2.7.1.Main characteristics

     2.8.Russian market of prefabricated timber houses

     2.9.Rating of main market participants

     2.10.Profiles of potential competing companies

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