Period: 2009
Region: World market
Region: World market
"...The present-day European market for water treatment and wastewater purification reagents is characterized by an established structure of demand and supply and by relatively low growth rates.
The recent EU enlargement has become one of the key triggers of the European reagent market growth, while the demand for these products in such countries as Germany, Great Britain, France, Italy, Spain, remains stable enough. As a result, the growth of production in the East European EU member-states, unification of their environmental regulations to comply with the common European requirements became the main factors, which facilitated the growth of the reagent sales volumes in Europe in general...
In the North America the market for water treatment and wastewater purification reagents is characterized by a considerable capacity, high competition, and by the presence on the market of a notable volume of innovational products and approaches.
The environmental regulations, establishing strict requirements to water, consumed by utility and industrial users, as well as requirements to the content of harmful substances in the wastewater, play a decisive role in the formation of the regional demand for the products of this category.
Adoption of a number of legislative initiatives, toughening the requirements to the content of harmful substances in the waste by the agency, authorized to regulate relations in the sphere of water use (in the US – the Environmental Protection Agency) produced a notable impact on the formation of an innovational water use policy in the North America and first of all – in the US..."
2.1 Main trends on the European market for reagents
2.2 Main indicators of the European market for water treatment and wastewater purification reagents
2.3 Volume of market for water treatment and wastewater purification reagents
2.4 Structure of market for water treatment and wastewater purification reagents
2.5 Main indicators of the market for water treatment reagents
2.6 Volume of market for water treatment reagents
2.7 Structure of market for water treatment reagents
2.8 Volume of market for coagulants and flocculants
2.9 Volume of market for inorganic coagulants and flocculants
2.10 Rating of inorganic coagulant and flocculant market players
2.11 Volume of market for organic coagulants and flocculants
2.12 Rating of organic coagulant and flocculant market players
2.13 Volume of ion-exchange market
2.14 Rating of ion-exchange market players
2.15 Volume of market for reverse osmosis system reagents
2.16 Rating of players on the market for reverse osmosis system reagents
2.17 Volume of activated carbon market
2.18 Rating of activated carbon market players
2.19 Volume of market for process related water treatment reagents
2.20 Structure of market for process related water treatment reagents
2.21 Volume of market for deposition and corrosion inhibitors
2.22 Volume of defoaming agent market
2.23 Volume of biocide market
2.24 Rating of biocide market players
2.25 Main indicators of market for wastewater purification reagents
2.26 Volume of market for wastewater purification reagents
2.27 Structure of market for wastewater purification reagents
2.28 Volume of market for wastewater purification coagulants and flocculants
2.29 Volume of market for inorganic wastewater purification coagulants and flocculants
2.30 Volume of market for organic wastewater purification coagulants and flocculants
2.31 Volume of market for wastewater purification defoaming agents
2.32 Volume of market for wastewater purification activated colal
2.33 Volume of market for wastewater purification biocides
2.34 Volume of market for waste odor-control treatment reagents
2.35 Rating of players on the market for waste odor-control treatment reagents
2.36 Volume of market for reagents, removing heavy metal compounds
2.37 Rating of players on the market for reagents, removing heavy metal compounds
2.38 Analysis of competitive climate on the European reagent market
3.1 Main trends on the North American market for reagents
3.2 Main indicators of the market for water treatment and wastewater purification reagents
3.3 Volume of market for water treatment and wastewater purification reagents
3.4 Structure of market for water treatment and wastewater purification reagents
3.5 Structure of market for water treatment and wastewater purification reagents by applications
3.6 Main indicators of market for deposition and corrosion inhibitors
3.7 Volume of market for deposition and corrosion inhibitors
3.8 Main indicators of biocide market
3.9 Volume of biocide market
3.10 Main indicators of market for coagulants and flocculants
3.11 Volume of market for coagulants and flocculants
3.12 Main indicators of activated coal market
3.13 Volume of activated coal market
3.14 Main indicators of defoaming agent market
3.15 Volume of market for defoaming agents
3.16 Main indicators of ion-exchange resin market
3.17 Volume of market for ion-exchange resins
3.18 Main indicators of the market for reverse osmosis system reagents
3.19 Volume of market for reverse osmosis system reagents
3.20 Main indicators of competition on reagent market in the US.
3.21 Rating of players on the US market for water treatment and wastewater purification reagents
4.1 Main trends on the reagent market
4.2 Main indicators of the market for water treatment and wastewater purification reagents
4.3 Volume of market for water treatment and wastewater purification reagents
4.4 Structure of market for water treatment and wastewater purification reagents by applications
4.5 Structure of market for water treatment and wastewater purification reagents by segments
4.6 Main indicators of market for coagulants and flocculants
4.7 Volume of market for coagulants and flocculants
4.8 Rating of players on the market for coagulants and flocculants
4.9 Main indicators of ion-exchange resin market
4.10 Volume of market for ion-exchange resins
4.11 Rating of players on the market for ion-exchange resins
4.12 Main indicators of market for deposition and corrosion inhibitors
4.13 Volume of market for deposition and corrosion inhibitors
4.14 Rating of players on the market for deposition and corrosion inhibitors
4.15 Main indicators of biocide market
4.16 Volume of biocide market
4.17 Rating of players on the biocide market
4.18 Main indicators of activated coal market
4.19 Volume of activated coal market
4.20 rating of players on the activated coal market
5.1 Main trends in the water sector development in Russia
5.2 Analysis of investment activity of water sector enterprises in Russia
5.3 Production of reagents
5.4 Rating of ion-exchange resin manufacturers
5.5 Rating of iron chloride manufacturers
5.6 Rating of service sodium chloride manufacturers
5.7 Rating of 8% polyacrylamide manufacturers
5.8 Rating of activated coal manufacturers
5.9 Volume of import of major types of reagents
5.10 Rating of major foreign suppliers of reagents to Russia
5.11 Segmentation of the Russian market of water treatment and wastewater purification approaches
5.12 Market shares of the Russian market of water treatment and wastewater purification approaches
5.13 Analysis of competitive climate on the Russian market for reagents
5.14 Forecasting the Russian market of water treatment and wastewater purification approaches in 2011-2015
Annex А. List of major players on the European market for coagulants and flocculants
Annex B. List of major players on the European market for ion-exchange resins.
Annex C. List of major players on the European biocide market
Annex D. List of major players on the European market for defoaming agents
Annex E. List of major players on the European activated coal market
Annex F. List of major distributors of water treatment and wastewater purification reagents in Europe