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Instruments and Equipment
Tare and Packing
Industrial Chemistry
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Agrofood Sector
Medicine and Veterinary
Petrochemistry and Gas Chemistry
Energy Industry
Municipal Housing Economy
Nano-Technologies and Substances
Agrofood Sector
Industries News
Marketing reports
Agrofood Sector
Market of Insecticides and Acaricides (Plant Protectants) in 2008
Import of insecticides and acaricides into Russia has been characterized by a continuous growth: from 2006 to 2008 there was almost a
3.5-fold increase... ...
Agrofood Sector
Russian Market of Feedstuff of Animal Origin in 2008: Overview
In 2008 vs. 2007, the production output of feedstuff of animal origin in physical terms increased by 19.7% and in monetary terms - by 42.6% which can
be ...
Agrofood Sector
Russia’s Market of Whole Milk Substitutes in 2008: Overview
In 2008 vs. 2007, the volume of WMS production in Russia increased by 8.9 and 18.6% in physical and monetary
terms, respectively.
Agrofood Sector
Russian Market of Premixes in 2008: Overview
In 2008 vs. 2007, the output of premixes increased by 19.0% in physical terms and by 52.2% in
value terms.
Agrofood Sector
Market of Sugar Substitutes: Key Indicators in 2005-2007
In 2005-2007, five of seven of the above mentioned substances – sugar substitutes were imported to the Russian Federation (RF). Import dynamics are
characterized ...
Agrofood Sector
Russian Market of Processed Soybean Products
As shown by analysis of the world practice of soybean use, there are several major directions, namely: the production of vegetable oil and animal
feedstuff; ...
Agrofood Sector
Structure of Wheat Import into Russia
Russia, Ukraine and Belarus are countries, which import wheat. Russia and Ukraine import wheat in insignificant amounts as compared to their domestic
market ...
Agrofood Sector
2007 Market of Crop Processing Products
As compared to 2006, in 2007 the import of crop processing products decreased by 29.2% in kind. The year of 2007 was marked by instability of prices;
prices ...
Agrofood Sector
Maize Import and Export: CIS Country Indicators
The largest areas under maize are in Ukraine, which is explained by the most favourable climatic conditions for this
Agrofood Sector
Consumption of Premixes by Farm Animals in Russia in 2007
Traditional kinds of fodder produced by mixed-fodder plants do not meet the requirements of animals and poultry in vitamins and
Materials archive
Marketing reports
Plant Raising Industry
Plant Protectants
Animal Husbandry
Feedstuff and premixes
Food Ingredients
Food Raw Materials
New materials
Medicine and Veterinary
At year-end 2015, the estimated size of Russian dental implants market amounted to US$ 72 mln.
At year-end 2015, the estimated size of Russian dental implants market amounted to US$ 72 mln.,
Abercade writes.
Industries News
Agrofood Sector
Russian Compound Feed Market in 2006-2013. Market forecast through 2018
Abercade presents to its customers a report on the RF compound feed market research alongside with the market forecast
through 2018.
Marketing reports
Feedstuff and premixes
Russian Compound Feed Market in 2006-2013. Market forecast through 2018
Abercade presents to its customers a report on the RF compound feed market research alongside with the market forecast
through 2018.
Industries News
Agrofood Sector
Russian premix Market in 2009-2013
Research Company Abercade presents to its customers a report on the RF premix market research over the period
of 2009-2013.
Marketing reports
Feedstuff and premixes
Russian premix Market in 2009-2013
Research Company Abercade presents to its customers a report on the RF premix market research over the period
of 2009-2013.
Industries News
Medicine and Veterinary
Rating of Flu Vaccine Producers on the Russian Market
As of 2013, the Russian flu vaccine market offered products of six producers, three of which were represented by
Russian companies.
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