In 2007, 28,199 tons of amino acids, USD 76,260,000 worth, were imported into Russia. As compared to 2006, the volume of import increased by 26% in kind and 12.6% in terms of money.
Today the Russian market of essential amino acids is represented by the following four major names: L-Lysine, DL-Methionine, L-Threonine and L-Tryptophan. Lysine is supplied to the Russian market in the form of hydrochloride, a powder containing 98.5-99% of pure lysine. Methionine is mostly supplied into the Russian market in the form of a white crystalline powder containing 99% of the pure substance. Besides powder, methionine is supplied into the Russian market in the form of a liquid under the trade mark of Alimet® (Novus International, Inc.). This product is an 88% aqueous solution of DL-Methionine. Tryptophan and Threonine are supplied into the Russian market in the form of a crystalline powder containing 98% of the main substance.
(in kind)
Estimates: Abercade Research Company
Marketing Research Analysis of the 2007 amino acid market in the CIS countries
While analyzing the import structure by types of amino acids, it can be noted that it has suffered some noticeable changes.
The largest share of the market both in kind and in terms of money still belongs to lysine. In 2007, the share of lysine in the total volume of the market of imported amino acids constituted 78.3% in kind and 68% in terms of money. As compared to 2006, the increase in the share of the lysine market constituted 2.8% in kind and 5.1% in terms of money. Over the past year, the lysine market has grown by 29.6% in kind and 22.2*% in terms of money.
The tryptophane market is also manifesting some positive dynamics. However, the volume of the market of this amino acid is still comparatively small, and it is too early to speak of any trend yet.
The market shares of other amino acids have decreased. For instance, the share of the methionine market constituted 12.5% in kind and 17.2% in terms of money, which was 1.4% and 1.7% less than in 2006. The share of the threonine market decreased by 1.4% in kind and 4% in terms of money and thus constituted 9.2% in kind and 17% in terms of money.
The analysis of the 2007 import of amino acids permitted to compile a rating of companies supplying these wares.
In 2007, the leading position belonged to Archer Daniels Midland CO (ADM). Its share in the total import of amino acids constituted 31.5% in kind and 28.8% in terms of money. Cheil Jedang was second with a share of 20% in kind and 16.7% in terms of money. It was followed by Ajinomoto, with 17.2% and 19.8%, BASF with 12.2% and 10.1%, and Degussa with 11.4% and 16.3% in kind and in terms of money respectively.
2007 rating of amino acid importer companies
(in kind)
Estimates: Abercade Research Company
Marketing Research Analysis of the 2007 amino acid market in the CIS countries