
Consumption of Premixes by Farm Animals in Russia in 2007

Traditional kinds of fodder produced by mixed-fodder plants do not meet the requirements of animals and poultry in vitamins and minerals. The need for introducing biologically active substances and vitamins into mixed fodder and their uniform distribution in it has necessitated the production of premixes.
In 2007, the volume of the Russian premix market constituted 95,503.62 tons. As compared to the similar 2006 indicators, the market volume increased by 29.45%. The share of imported premixes constituted 37.44% of the market volume, while the share of premix export in the total output has traditionally been small. In 2007, it constituted 0.76%.
In 2007, the volume of the Russian market of premixes for poultry was equal to 51,093.29 tons in kind. As compared to the 2006 indicators, the volume of the market of this kind of premixes grew by 26.3%.
The share of import in the volume of the market of this kind of premixes constituted 37.14%, while the share of export in the total output constituted 1.2%.
In 2007, the volume of the market of premixes for pigs constituted 30,221.62 tons in kind. As compared to the similar 2006 indicators, the volume of this market increased by 23.1%. The share of import in the market volume was 43.08%, while the share of export in the total output was 0.18%.
In 2007, the volume of the market of premixes for cattle constituted 14,188.71 tons. As compared to the 2006 indicators, it increased by 61.75% in kind. The share of import in the market volume constituted 26.51%, while the share of export in the volume of output was 0.12%.
Structure of premix consumption in the Russian Federation in 2007 (in kind)

Source: Abercade Research Company
Marketing Research Analysis of the 2005-2007 premix market

In 2007, the share of the market of premixes for poultry constituted 53.5% of the total volume of consumption of premixes in kind; the share of the market of premixes for pigs constituted 31.64% of the total premix consumption; and the share of the market of premixes for cattle constituted 14.86% of the total premix consumption.

Based on the data of Abercade Research Company

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